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New Type Polyurethane Vibrating Screen
Time 2012-09-10 Author Website Manager Browse QQmessage 产品咨询 Tel:13803857310

Yuhui Machine has years of experience in vibrating screen production, our research for the constant improvement of screening performances has led to the creation of polyurethane coated with wear resistant polyurethane cloth for all those applications where our clients are reluctant to switch from woven wire screens to polyurethane or rubber.Polyurethane screening surfaces have proven to be generally economical due to the long wear life and low maintenance requirements.The wear life is enhanced by the polymers flexibility, which returns some of the impact energy imparted by the vibrating media. Noise pollution typical of wire screens and perforated plate is greatly reduced with the introduction of polyurethane screening surfaces.
Correctly applied Polyurethane screens can reduce or even eliminate plugging, pegging and blinding problems due to the tapered openings and resiliency of the material. Corrosion and rust out are eliminated as Polyurethane is impervious to most elements found in any screening plant. Polyurethane screen panels offer the same open area ratio of woven wire screens but the polyurethane material coating them permits our product to last till to five times more than steel meshes. Our new polyurethane vibrating screens has a comprehensive range of polyurethane screening systems that are proving their value every day in the processing of coal, iron ore, gold, phosphate, copper, lead and zinc, bauxite, sand and gravel and many other minerals

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